
Care ma ajuta sa il traduc din romana in engleza?va rog e urgent

Era o zi plictisitoare de vara , nu aveam ce face asa ca m-am pus pe canapea , m-am intins si am adormit.   M-am trezit intr-un loc ciudat , nu existau plante , copaci , animale , case.    M-am decis sa explorez zona pana cand am zarit un fel de navata spatiala si am ciocanit.    Un fel de maimutica verde mi-a deschis usa si m-a invitat inauntru , era un extraterestru. Nu m-am speriat si am intrat.  - Unde sunt? am intrebat nedumerita.  - Esti pe planeta Manu , este o planeta extraterestra!   - Wow , dar aici nu exista nici animale , nici plante....   -Nu , deoarece  nu pot rezista aici.   -Ei bine eu pot!    - Da, pentru ca tu nu esti planta sau animal.   -Dar cum va petreceti timpul liber? Nu va plictisiti?   -Nu caci avem un fel de ''animale de companie'' extraterestre , doar ele pot rezista aici , sunt diferite de cele pamantene.    -Si ce sunt?    -Sunt extrolici , un fel de licurici de marimea unui fluture.   Cand m-am trezit am reallizat ca totul a fost un vis , dar unul frumos care m-a fascinat.

Răspuns :

It was a boring day of summer , I had doing so I put on the couch, I lay down and slept. I woke up in a strange place , there were no plants, trees , animals, houses . I decided to explore the area until I spotted a space and as I knock Navata . A green monkey as he opened the door and invited me in, was an alien . I did and I got scared . - Where are they? I asked puzzled . - You Manu planet is an alien planet ! - Wow , but here there are no animals or plants .... I do not because I can not resist here. Well I can! - Yeah, you're not the plant or animal. But how you spend your free time? Do not you get bored ? - Not because we have a kind of '' pet '' alien , they can withstand just here , are different from the earthly . - And you are ? I'm extrolici a firefly as the size of a butterfly. When I woke up I reallize that everything was a dream, but a nice one that fascinated me .
It was a boring day of summer , I had doing so I put on the couch, I lay down and slept. I woke up in a strange place , there were no plants, trees , animals, houses . I decided to explore the area until I spotted a space and as I knock Navata . A green monkey as he opened the door and invited me in, was an alien . I did and I got scared . - Where are they? I asked puzzled . - You Manu planet is an alien planet ! - Wow , but here there are no animals or plants .... I do not because I can not resist here. Well I can! - Yeah, you're not the plant or animal. But how you spend your free time? Do not you get bored ? - Not because we have a kind of '' pet '' alien , they can withstand just here , are different from the earthly . - And you are ? I'm extrolici a firefly as the size of a butterfly. When I woke up I reallize that everything was a dream, but a nice one that fascinated me .