
It s a fine weather. My sister and i go to the beach every morning and have a bath in the afternoon.

We are on holiday and we enjoy it a lot. Its AUGUST and our parrents think that we deserve a break from studying.
Now we are eating the ice cream and this evening we are having dinner at a restaurant. We like swimming in the pool every day and riding the bike.
We always watch TV in the evening.
We hope that our great holiday will never and.
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E vreme buna. Sora mea si cu mine mergem la plaja in fiecare dimineata si facem baie dupa amiaza.
Suntem in vacanta si ne bucuram mult de ea. E august si parintii nostri cred ca meritam sa facem o pauza de invatatura.
Chiar acum mancam inghetata si in seara aceasta vom lua cina la un restaurant. Ne place sa inotam zilnic in piscina si sa ne dam cu bicicleta.
Seara ne uitam mereu la televizor.
Speram sa nu se termine niciodata vacanta noastra minunata.