
traducetimi va rog din englez in rom: 1) We like our school our classmates and teachers.2)Thats why we are happy to be back at school.3)We learn a lot of new things here.4)We read write and speac. 5)We draw dance and sing together.6)We study English.7)We are twenty five in the class.8)We have a new classmate and we want to learn something about him.9)What questions shall we ask him?

Răspuns :

1. Ne place scoala noastra, colegii si profesorii nostri.

2. De aceea suntem bucurosi sa fim din nou la scoala.

3. Invatam multe lucruri noi aici.

4. Citim, scriem si vorbim

5. Desenam, dansam si cantam impreuna

6. Invatam engleza

7. Suntem douazeci si cinci in clasa.

8. Avem un coleg nou si vrem sa stim cate ceva despre el

9. Ce intrebari ar trebui sa-i punem?